Banking & Insurance

Discover the story of the creation of the SNCF's digital voice!
SNCF chose Voxygen to digitalise the voice that is known and heard throughout France.
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Contact usSolutions
Voxygen Server
Host your text-to-speech solution on your own infrastructure
Voxygen Cloud
Using speech synthesis in SaaS mode
Voxygen Studio
A user interface for creating audio messages easily
Voxygen Device
La synthèse vocale embarquée pour un usage déconnecté
Customised voice
A voice that reflects your brand identity

The creation of BNP Paribas' voice assistants
Voxygen has created two personalised brand voices for the virtual assistants Telmi (BNP Paribas) and HelloïZ (Hello Bank). BNP Paribas is revolutionising the user experience with its online banking and digital assistants!
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Contact usMétéo France
From integration to optimisation: the transformation of weather forecast vocalisation.

Specific terminology
Tailor-made voice
Voxygen Server

Météo France: when speech synthesis meets the terminology challenge
10 +
Years of partnership
Tailor-made voices
+1 million
minutes of audio generated
Since 2012, Météo France has teamed up with Voxygen to optimise the vocalisation service for weather reports offered via its telephone kiosk.
Météo France's choice of Voxygen was primarily motivated by the robustness, quality and flexibility of Voxygen's technology. The context of weather forecasting is extremely specific and needs to be treated with great care, not only to integrate the terms and abbreviations specific to the field into lexicons, but also to implement textual pre-processing to render numerical data such as temperatures, pressures, wind speeds, etc. in a precise and perfectly intelligible manner.
Météo France entrusted Voxygen with the creation of two digital voices adapted to its needs. During the project, Météo France's operational teams worked in close collaboration with Voxygen and were able to appreciate the expertise of Voxygen's teams both in defining the characteristics of the voice and in adapting the technology to optimise voice quality for the specific context of weather forecasting.
The operational deployment of Voxygen's TTS went off without a hitch. Météo France opted for the Voxygen Server solution, which is both robust and scalable, and which was designed to enable bulletins to be broadcast periodically with maximum responsiveness. The success of this deployment is largely due to the ease with which the Voxygen Server product can be implemented, and to the invaluable help provided by Voxygen, which offered high-quality technical support.
In this relationship of trust with Météo France, Voxygen always acts with proximity and professionalism, whether to improve the voices made available or to propose its latest technological developments.
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